Mar 18, 2014 | Basics, Databases, Hedge Fund Marketing Strategy, Starting a Hedge Fund, Strategies, Technology, Tools
Counting the number of hedge funds in the world is like trying to follow the Major League pitching career of Octavio Dotel. It’s incredibly complicated and subject to sudden change. The former...
Feb 4, 2014 | Basics, Hedge Fund Marketing Strategy, Starting a Hedge Fund
If you’re managing a hedge fund, it goes without saying that you’re off-the-scale smart when it comes to the math underlying investment analysis. You probably have a model that can pick winners, winnow out the losers and provide a return on capital...
Feb 6, 2012 | Hedge Fund Marketing Strategy
Despite a dismal year for performance and continued attacks on hedge funds in the media, the industry stills seems to be doing a good job at marketing and attracting money from big institutional investors. First, there’s a survey from hedge fund service provider...
Jan 16, 2012 | Hedge Fund Marketing Strategy, News
Not only did several high-profile hedge fund managers such as John Paulson have a tough year in 2011, it now appears that performance data for the entire industry is being called into question. Research indicates that the aggregate data used by hedge funds to justify...
Aug 3, 2010 | Strategies, Technology
Recently we had the pleasure of interviewing Jerry Chrisphonte, CEO of Hedge, to talk about the hedge fund marketing and hedge fund directories. He provides some solid insight for investment marketers. Here is an excerpt from part one of that...